Summer Pride History Stroll
Celebrating Pride in Cambridge needn't be limited to June - we feel it is important to celebrate Pride 365 Days a Year! Appearing in Harvard Square starting in July 2021, the exhibits featured on this page comprise our Summer Pride History Stroll!
To view each image and caption in full, please click on the picture scroll to the right, and at the bottom of each picture is a link to the full image and caption. There are five locations throughout Harvard Square in which the pictures on this website have been installed. Scroll down to see all of the pictures, broken down by the five different locations where you can find them.
The images to the right are viewable in front of the former CVS space in Harvard Sq. at 1430 Massachusetts Avenue

Introduction to Pride Stroll 2021

Introduction to Pride Stroll 2021
Summer Pride History Stroll Pt. 2
The 1800s - Early 1900s (located at the former Mint Julep location, 8 Church Street)
Click on any image below for a link to the full-page image and caption (link is at the bottom of each new page)
Summer Pride History Stroll Pt. 3
The 1900s (located near the former Dado Tea location, 50 Church Street)
Click on any image below for a link to the full-page image and caption (link is at the bottom of each new page)
Summer Pride History Stroll Pt. 4
1990s - 2000s (located by the former Flat Patties site, 33 Brattle Street)
Click on any image below for a link to the full-page image and caption (link is at the bottom of each new page)
Summer Pride History Stroll Pt. 5
2000s - and BEYOND! (Located near the former Hidden Sweets site, 25 Brattle Street)
Click on any image below for a link to the full-page image and caption (link is at the bottom of each new page)
Our special thanks to the Harvard Square Business Association for partnering with us on this exhibit and making it possible! If you like what you saw, have questions, comments, or concerns, please email us at - we would love to hear from you!