Black Women's History Stroll
February 2022: in the midst of Black History Month, the Cambridge Museum of History and Culture is presenting our latest "History Stroll," featuring a number of women of color who blazed trails in Cambridge, who lived life on their own terms, and who changed this world for the better. ​
To view each image and caption in full, please click on the picture scroll to the right, and at the bottom of each picture is a link to the full image and caption. There are three locations throughout Central Square (in front of the Senior Center at 806 Mass Ave, the 500 Mass Ave block, and in the 425 Mass Ave block) in which the pictures on this website have been installed. Scroll down to see all of the pictures, broken down by the three different locations where you can find them.
This presentation could not have happened without the support of the following people, partners, and organizations: the Cambridge Arts Council, the Central Square Business Improvement District, the City Manager's Office, League of Women for Community Service, Patrick Barrett, Mike Monestime, Michelle Parkos, Twining Properties, Morris Nagar Properties, the Cambridge History Museum Team, Sury Dewa Ayu, Carolyn Turk, Janie Ward, Kenvi Phillips, Eva Martin Blythe, Valerie Beaudrault, Kerri Greenidge, Marian Darlington-Hope, Cheryl Townsend Gilkes, Tiya Miles, and Adrienne Benton.
Black Women History Stroll Pt. 1
The images to the right are viewable in and around the block of 425 Massachusetts Avenue in Central Square.

Click link below for larger, full screen image

Click link below for larger, full screen image

Click link below for larger, full screen image

Click link below for larger, full screen image